Fancy Dive
The fanciest dive that ever was dove
Was done by Melissa of Coconut Grove.
She bounced on the board and flew into the air
With a twist of her head and a twirl of her hair.
She did thirty-four jackknived, backflipped and spun,
Quadruple gainered, and reached for the sun,
And then somersaulted nine times and a quarter-
And looked down and saw that the pool had no water. ~ Shel Silversteen
I'd rather play tennis than go to the dentist.
I'd rather play soccer than go to the doctor.
I'd rather play Hurk than go to work.
Hurk? Hurk? What's Hurk?
I don't know, but it must be better than work. ~ Shel Silversteen
Unscratchable Itch
There us a spot that you can't scratch
Right between your shoulder blades,
Like an egg that just won't hatch
Here you set and there it stays.
Turn and squirm and try to reach it,
Twist your neck and bend your back,
Hear your elbows creak and crack,
Stretch your fingers, now you bet it's
Going to reach-no that won't get it-
Hold your breath stretch and pray,
Only just one inch away,
Worse than a sunbeam you can't chatch
Is that one spot that
You can't scratch. ~ Shel Silversteen
I dedicate this post to Shel Silversteen one of my favorate poem writers!
all of these poams are from his book 'The light in the Attic'
See you later!