Since I only have five followers I decided to ask the people (if there are people) that read my blog to follow it just so I know how many people do and every thing like that! or if you don't know how to follow you can just comment on this post and ask me! :)
Okay so since this is a 'What ever is on my mind' Blog post than I just want to say that my younger sister just got baptized yesterday! it was awesome because my cousin got baptized with her! my younger sister got a bracelet, a book mark, a bear and a ring that she keeps loosing so my dad keeps having to find it for her!
This is me when we are
praying in church! |
Okay what else has happened??? OH RIGHT!!! the Broncos won the foot ball game this Sunday witch by the way I have no clue what is going on when they are playing... a lot of the time I am cheering for the wrong team so that is always awkward when the other teem makes a touch down and I am cheering for that team and then every one else starts to say "NO NO NO!!! OH MAN!!!" and then that freaks me out because I think that they are saying no to me and to stop doing what ever I am doing!
Oh yes Nano Wrimo started and I got 3,400 words in! YAYAYA for those who don't know what Nano Wrimo is: This is taken place in the month of November where you try to write a novel and what you do is you set a goal for your self and try to reach that goal by the end of November! it is a fun time to get together with friends and write away!
Sorry these Icons where totally random! but I felt like adding the!!! |