I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles. ~ Audrey Hepburn
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
So I have failed to post stuff about the makeup and stuff so... I'm not going to do that! I am going to wear a light pink sparkly dress thing! so I am going to take a break from blogging for December because Christmas is coming up and a ton of other stuff + the ball so here is my farewell blog post (till January) but I will return! see you all later and have a Marry Christmas! ;)
Friday, December 9, 2016
(I post this post every year when it's snowing or it has already snowed! where I live it has snowed about an inch! so happy because that means Christmas is almost here!
Another thing! the Christmas Ball is in 14 days!!! (people that I know will know about this!) so wear something pretty and I will see you there!
I will try to post up till the ball (or dance) makeup posts and hair tips! stuff like that! :)
Christmas break is almost here so get your Christmas shopping on and get ready to make some hot chocolate, sleep in or read a book, although probably all of you are already counting the days down till break comes! 😀 Your almost there and today is Friday so what can get any better then that???
Okay! tomorrow or something like that I will post! (Hopefully!)
Another thing! the Christmas Ball is in 14 days!!! (people that I know will know about this!) so wear something pretty and I will see you there!
I will try to post up till the ball (or dance) makeup posts and hair tips! stuff like that! :)
Christmas break is almost here so get your Christmas shopping on and get ready to make some hot chocolate, sleep in or read a book, although probably all of you are already counting the days down till break comes! 😀 Your almost there and today is Friday so what can get any better then that???
Okay! tomorrow or something like that I will post! (Hopefully!)
Friday, December 2, 2016
December 2
I can't believe that it is December already!!! I am going to update the blog to something winterey!!! I love winter and Christmas so much but then who doesn't love Christmas? 23 days till Christmas!!!! YAY,
Okay I am going to go update the blog and will be back hopefully soon!
See y'all later!
Okay I am going to go update the blog and will be back hopefully soon!
See y'all later!
Monday, November 21, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
So to day is the 18th day of Nano Wrimo! and that means only 12 days left! and I am so behind on my word goal! I don' t know if I am going to finish this year... I hope so though! :) I am on break this next week so I am hoping to get a huge chunk of my writing goal out of the way! wish me luck!
(I just wrote 'wish me lunch' and I'm like Amen! sorry that was random!)
(I just wrote 'wish me lunch' and I'm like Amen! sorry that was random!)
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Catching fire word crawl
Here is a Catching fire word crawl! 1 2 3 write!
To celebrate your victory in the 74th annual Hunger Games, write as many words as you can in 74 seconds to get started.
To decide which district you are from, use a random number generator like this one or roll two six-sided die. To show your district pride, multiply this number by 100 and sprint to this many words (For example, District 6 would write 600 words).
Watching this year’s Quarter Quell announcement, you discover that the terms for the 75th Hunger Games mandates that the tributes will be reaped from the existing pool of victors. This means, that as the only winner of your gender from your district, you will be going back in. Terrified, you begin training.
To develop your survival skills, write to the nearest 1000 in your word count.
Build your muscles by writing for 30 minutes.
If you write 0-500 words, you break your leg during training and cannot complete any other training exercises while it heals. Continue straight to the Reaping.
If you write 500-999 words, you train hard, but don’t make much progress. There is no penalty but no reward, either.
If you write 1000+ words, you will have an advantage in the games and earn one do-over.
To help you escape danger, practice sprinting. Try to complete a 50-word one minute sprint, a 100-word 3-minute sprint, and a 250 word 5-minute sprint.
If you fail at all three, you give up on training and move straight to the reaping.
If you succeed on one, continue training with no penalty.
If you succeed in at least two of the sprints, take a do-over.
If you succeed in all three, take a do-over and add one point to your training score when you reach the capital.
Finally, work on your ability to hide. Round your word count up to the nearest 100 and take a free do-over.
You stand on the platform waiting to find out who your competition will be. You look over at the pool of victors. These are people you have known your entire life, and at most, only one of you can survive.
The representative from the capital reads your name aloud. To calm your nerves, write until you’ve used every letter from your name. (No cheating and adding a title page or a self-named character!)
The representative then calls the name of your partner. It seems like this takes forever. Sprint for 10 minutes while you wait for the results.
If you write 0-500 words, they draw a name of your enemy who is much larger than you. Write another 200 words to gain confidence before you can move on.
If you write 500-750 words, they draw the name of someone you recognize but don’t know very well. There is no penalty.
If you write more than 750 words, they draw someone who will be your ally. If needed, this ally will sacrifice themselves in the arena and give you a do-over.
You are rushed onto the train and don’t get a chance to say goodbye. To console yourself, write for 30 minutes with no word goal while you ride on the train.
Arriving in the capital, you are invited to the party at President Snow’s house. Write for 5 minutes to see how the party goes.
If you write 0-250 words, you eat until you vomit. Subtract two points from your upcoming training score.
If you write 250-500 words, there is no penalty.
If you write 500+ words, add two points to your training score.
You meet your stylist, who is friendly but very brave. If you have a cover uploaded for your book before this challenge, you are fashion forward and win a do-over. If you do not have a cover but write 250 words and upload one now, you can still earn the do-over. If you choose not to have a cover, you arrive to the parade naked and have to hide in your chariot. No do-over for naked tributes.
You work to impress the judges during training. Determine your training score by the following: Write for 15 minutes without stopping. Divide your word count by 100 and round down to the nearest whole number to determine your score. The highest possible score is a 12.
If you score a 0-4, you suffer from low morale and must add 100 words to your next goal.
If you score a 4-8, you are satisfied with your score and proceed as normal.
If you earn a 9-12, your pride can get you out of a sticky situation and you win a do-over.
The arena is a watery wheel surrounded by twelve evenly divided beach and jungle sections. You find yourself standing on a platform in the water halfway between the cornucopia and the beach.
You have 60-seconds to devise your plan. Write for 60-seconds while you decide what to do.
If you write 0-30 words, you nervously jump off the platform and explode before your time is up.
If you write 31-59 words, you grab the two items closest to you and run for cover. If you can write an additional 400 words in the next ten minutes, you make a clean escape. If not, you are killed by another tribute with a trident.
If you write 60+ words, you bravely run into the blood bath. If you can write an additional 250 words in the next five minutes, you survive. If not, you are shot by an arrow through the heart.
Section One: You are camping safely in the jungle when you hear a large beast approaching. You need to run as fast as you can. If you can write 1,000 words in 30 minutes, you safely escape. If not, it eats you.
Section Two: After a good night’s rest, you are walking calmly through the jungle when you are surrounded by poisonous mist! Without looking at your word count (cover it if you have to!) write for ten minutes while you try to escape the mist. When finished, add the digits of your word count together. For example, if you wrote 649 words, you would have 19 points (6+4+9). If the mist has dissolved your point total to less than a 15, you die. If you score more than a 15, you live.
Section Three: You have realized the arena is a clock! Look at the current time- it tells you how many words you need to write in the next 30 minutes. (For example, if it’s 7:19, you need to write 719 words). If you succeed, you receive a parachute from your sponsor with a do-over inside. If you make at least half of your word count, there is no penalty. Less than half? You misread the clock, walk into the wrong section, and die.
Section Four: The Jabberjays shout at you about how terrible your writing is (no worries, the Capital told them to lie.)Find the most difficult problem spot in your novel- the one that has been intimidating you or that you’ve been avoiding. Finish the scene in under 30 minutes and you make it out. Fail, and the Jabberjays win and take one of your do-overs.
Section Five: The blood rain makes it impossible to see. Write for ten minutes without editing or rereading. The blood rain won’t kill you, but it’s not fun.
Optional: If you complete this activity without looking at your screen at all, earn a do-over for your bravery.
Section Six: You’re fishing on the beach when a large wave approaches. Swim like your life depends on it for three minutes. If you write at least 250 words, you live! If not, you drown.
Section Seven: Lightning strikes nearby! Write for five minutes without looking at your word count. If you write an even number, you aren’t struck and live. If you write an odd number, you are electrocuted and die.
Oh no! The cornucopia has spun and changed all of the sections!! Use a random-number generator to figure out which section (1-7) you end up in by accident and repeat only that section.
District 13 arrives to save everyone! You rush towards the hover craft. Write until your word count ends in a 13; if you manage it in less than a minute, you make it onto the hover craft and are saved! If not, they leave you behind and the capital captures you.
You made it! Write for 13 minutes to celebrate your new District 13 friends.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Hunger games word crawl
Here is a Hunger games word crawl! have fun! 1 2 3 write
Reaping Day: It's that time of year again. Head over to the District Square and try not to think about your chances. Do a three minute sprint. The number of words you manage is the number of times your name is in the Reaping bowl.
Goodbye: Well, it seems the odds weren't in your favor. You're now a tribute for your district. Do another three minute sprint to say goodbye to your friends and family -- you're probably not coming back.
Train Ride: What district are you from, again? Go to a random number generator (like this one) and get a number from 1 to 12. Sprint that many hundred words to show some district pride! For example, district 1 sprints 100, district 2 sprints 200, etc.
Optional: If you sprint a thousand times your district number, you have useful survival skills already, and will have a definite edge in the arena. You can do-over one challenge that you fail without losing.
Opening Ceremonies: Your stylist has some...interesting ideas about your chariot costumes. You have a half hour to reach your district goal (district number x 100). If you succeed, everyone loves your costumes and can't stop talking about your style. Gain one do-over. If you fail, you look ridiculous, but you won't be penalized... yet.
Training Days: You have three days to train your body and mind for the arena. Sprint to the nearest thousand to round out your skills.
Private Session: Time to face the judges. You have 15 minutes to put down as many words as you can. Round down to the nearest hundred -- that's your training score. 1-3 will receive a penalty: you get no bonus from the interview section below. 4-6 receive nothing. 7-9 get one do-over. 10-12 get two do-overs.
Interview: Wow, you look fantastic! Time to woo the crowd. Sprint to the end of the scene you're on. Take a free do-over as well. Caesar really brings out everyone's best side.
Hovercraft: You're flying blind -- the Capitol doesn't want anyone to see the arena yet. Type for ten minutes with your eyes shut.
Launch: You're on your pedestal. Enjoy your last moments of relative safety. You have one minute to reach 50 words. If you fail, you twitch nervously, step off your plate too early, and get blown to smithereens. Game over.
Bloodbath: Do you stay and fight for your supplies, or do you grab what you can and run? If you do the former, do a #1k30min (to put it in Twitter parlance). Succeed, and you get a do-over. If you do the latter, you have an hour. Fail either task and another tribute kills you. Game over.
Day 2: You've survived one day, but it's only going to get harder from here on out. The Capitol decides you're being boring today and sends a Fifty-Headed Hydra your way. 500+ words in 5 minutes, the sponsors are impressed. You get a do-over. If not, you are badly wounded. Double your next word count goal, and try to do 250 in five minutes. If you succeed, you live with your penalty. If not, you succumb to the poison. Game over.
Day 3: If you have a do-over to burn, skip this challenge. If not, you're running out of water and need to find some -- fast. Write 100 words and roll a six-sided die. If you get a one, you find water and succeed. If you don't, write 200 and roll again. Same odds. Repeat until you hit 1000. If you haven't gotten water by then, you die of dehydration. Game over.
Day 4: You've been spotted by a vicious tribute. Get ready to run. Word War with someone for 10 minutes. If you win, you get away. If you lose, well. I'm sure you can figure out what happens. Game over.
Day 5: It's slow today, for some reason. This can't be good. Nevertheless, enjoy a brief rest by writing for three hours without a goal.
Day 6: It was quiet yesterday because the Capitol poured acid rain in a part of the arena that you weren't in. Good call. You stumble across the body of a fellow tribute who wasn't as lucky. Do a Three Digits challenge in half an hour. If you succeed, you find lots of supplies on her and gain a do-over. If you fail, all her items were eaten away by acid. Oh well, at least you aren't dead.
Day 7: This is it. You've made it to the end of the games. Only one tribute stands between you and victory. Word War with someone for an hour, with this Epic Music in the background. Winner takes all.
Reaping Day: It's that time of year again. Head over to the District Square and try not to think about your chances. Do a three minute sprint. The number of words you manage is the number of times your name is in the Reaping bowl.
Goodbye: Well, it seems the odds weren't in your favor. You're now a tribute for your district. Do another three minute sprint to say goodbye to your friends and family -- you're probably not coming back.
Train Ride: What district are you from, again? Go to a random number generator (like this one) and get a number from 1 to 12. Sprint that many hundred words to show some district pride! For example, district 1 sprints 100, district 2 sprints 200, etc.
Optional: If you sprint a thousand times your district number, you have useful survival skills already, and will have a definite edge in the arena. You can do-over one challenge that you fail without losing.
Opening Ceremonies: Your stylist has some...interesting ideas about your chariot costumes. You have a half hour to reach your district goal (district number x 100). If you succeed, everyone loves your costumes and can't stop talking about your style. Gain one do-over. If you fail, you look ridiculous, but you won't be penalized... yet.
Training Days: You have three days to train your body and mind for the arena. Sprint to the nearest thousand to round out your skills.
Private Session: Time to face the judges. You have 15 minutes to put down as many words as you can. Round down to the nearest hundred -- that's your training score. 1-3 will receive a penalty: you get no bonus from the interview section below. 4-6 receive nothing. 7-9 get one do-over. 10-12 get two do-overs.
Interview: Wow, you look fantastic! Time to woo the crowd. Sprint to the end of the scene you're on. Take a free do-over as well. Caesar really brings out everyone's best side.
Hovercraft: You're flying blind -- the Capitol doesn't want anyone to see the arena yet. Type for ten minutes with your eyes shut.
Launch: You're on your pedestal. Enjoy your last moments of relative safety. You have one minute to reach 50 words. If you fail, you twitch nervously, step off your plate too early, and get blown to smithereens. Game over.
Bloodbath: Do you stay and fight for your supplies, or do you grab what you can and run? If you do the former, do a #1k30min (to put it in Twitter parlance). Succeed, and you get a do-over. If you do the latter, you have an hour. Fail either task and another tribute kills you. Game over.
Day 2: You've survived one day, but it's only going to get harder from here on out. The Capitol decides you're being boring today and sends a Fifty-Headed Hydra your way. 500+ words in 5 minutes, the sponsors are impressed. You get a do-over. If not, you are badly wounded. Double your next word count goal, and try to do 250 in five minutes. If you succeed, you live with your penalty. If not, you succumb to the poison. Game over.
Day 3: If you have a do-over to burn, skip this challenge. If not, you're running out of water and need to find some -- fast. Write 100 words and roll a six-sided die. If you get a one, you find water and succeed. If you don't, write 200 and roll again. Same odds. Repeat until you hit 1000. If you haven't gotten water by then, you die of dehydration. Game over.
Day 4: You've been spotted by a vicious tribute. Get ready to run. Word War with someone for 10 minutes. If you win, you get away. If you lose, well. I'm sure you can figure out what happens. Game over.
Day 5: It's slow today, for some reason. This can't be good. Nevertheless, enjoy a brief rest by writing for three hours without a goal.
Day 6: It was quiet yesterday because the Capitol poured acid rain in a part of the arena that you weren't in. Good call. You stumble across the body of a fellow tribute who wasn't as lucky. Do a Three Digits challenge in half an hour. If you succeed, you find lots of supplies on her and gain a do-over. If you fail, all her items were eaten away by acid. Oh well, at least you aren't dead.
Day 7: This is it. You've made it to the end of the games. Only one tribute stands between you and victory. Word War with someone for an hour, with this Epic Music in the background. Winner takes all.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Clean your room word crawl
Here is a clean your room word crawl! 1 2 3 write!
Glad to see you've finally decided to get out of bed and clean your room. Write 100 words as you hop out of bed- and then proceed to make your bed.
Wow! Looking much better with those pillows off the floor. But there’s still trash everywhere. Count the number of pieces of trash as you throw them away, then multiply that number by 100 and write that many words.
Okay, nice. Your room is starting to look less like a pigsty, so that’s cool, but it also looks more like the backstage of a fashion show with all those clothes everywhere. Toss that dirty laundry into the washer, and then sit back down and write for the whole wash cycle.
Okay, now where are those plot notes? Buried under that mountain of old essays and homework, of course. Outline your next scene, and then organize all that junk in your work area. (If you’ve already outlined all your scenes, take the number of scenes you’ve already written and sprint for that many minutes.)
Now we’re looking spiffy. Oh- and your laundry’s washed! Pop that laundry into the dryer and then take a quick glance at the rest of your notes, just to make sure your plot won’t dry up… (If you have no notes, sprint to the next thousand.)
-Dance party until your laundry is done-
Wow, your laundry’s dry already? Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess. Fold your laundry, and then put it away.
You got a great idea as you were folding your laundry. I’m sure you can fit a sock monster into your novel somehow… Sprint to 500. Bonus prompt: A character tells a story about some wacky creature and claims it as true (example: getting attacked by a sock monster, which totally happened).
Oh no. You totally forgot where you put your calculator. How will you know how many words you have left today? Organize one item of furniture (dresser, bookshelf, nightstand, etc.) as you hunt down your calculator.
Nice! You tracked it down! But it seems those dust bunnies have also tracked you down- Sprint for ten minutes to outrun them.
If you write more than 250 words: you’ve found a vacuum! Go ahead and beat up those dust bunnies with it by vacuuming your room.
If you write less than 250 words: Oh no! They’ve got you! Sprint for five more minutes as you frantically search for a vacuum to suck those bunnies up and away.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Disney song word crawl
So as you can see I L-O-V-E Disney movies sooooo.... here is a DISNEY SONG word crawl! WHAT?!
1 2 3 write
You just woke up and you need to get ready for your day in writing. Write to A dream is a Wish your heart makes as you get ready to get serious in your writing.
You have a long ride ahead of you, trying to get to 50k. Write to Why should I worry and keep your cool. You’ve got this.
Time to roll a dice! (12 sides) 1-3: Write to I won't say I'm in love 4-7: Write to I'll make a man out of you 8-10: Write to Colors of the wind 11-12: Write to double songs! Both You'll be in my heart AND Two worlds
It’s really hard to write the perfect novel when you’re trying to write 50k in one month. At least Georgette has being perfect down, write to Perfect isn't easy and try not to make any spelling mistakes. Success: Write 100 words Failure: Write 200 words
Write to Circle of life now as you write the above words.
Writing a novel is a new experience, and an exciting ride. Write to A whole new world so you can keep your excitement going.
How badly do you want to get to 50k? Pretty bad I’m guessing. Write to Something that I want.
Who watched to new Live Action Cinderella? There’s this one song that’s really good, and pretty to listen to. Write to Lavender's blue to keep your spirits up.
I suggest you try something new, maybe switch up the story in a way you didn’t plan. To give you inspiration write to Try Everything
Let’s add some evil songs, time to listen to Poor Unfortunate Souls to add a little evil.
You’re probably losing some inspiration, well then it’s time for Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious do a carrot and stick challenge. If you fail your challenge: You must write 1000 words If you succeed your challenge: Then write 500 words
As you’re writing your words for above, listen to Spoonful of Sugar and Chim Chim cher-ee
Someday you’ll reach your word-count goal, for now just listen to Snow White as she sings Someday my Prince will come
Shang wants you to become a better writer, he wants you to write to I'll make a man out of you and write 250 words. If you fail: He says you must write for 10 minutes listening to this song in a loop: Not a Disney song but it's suppose to be a punishment I guess If you succeed: Continue on then.
You can do it yes you can! Time for some cheering on from Hercules with his I can go the distance, because you certainly can!
*sigh* it’s hard isn’t it? Like it is for Annie! Time to write to It's a hard knock life for us, and think about how hard it is to write 50k in a month.
Who likes cats? I know I do! And some of them have the best songs! Like Everybody wants to be a cat (which is totally true) and Thomas O'malley makes us want to sing even more! Be sure to write to these two cat-loving songs! But don’t forget The Siamese cat song, am I the only one who was scared of these two?
Your story might be a little on the wacky side right now, especially since you’re just trying to get to 50k and not worrying about grammar. So I think today should definitely be Topsy Turvy Day
It’s time to Dig a little deeper in your novel!
ROLL A DIE AGAIN. 12-sides! This time you won’t know what you’re listening to! 1-3: Mystery Song 4-7: Mystery song hehe 8-10: Mystery song FAVE 11-12: Actually this is my favorite mystery song :-D
We probably all wish we could live Under the sea
Do you have a favorite phrase in your novel? I don’t yet, but hey Hakuna Matata is a good replacement for now.
You’re almost there!
Okay, so I’m gonna have a big challenge for you soon, so it’s time to be prepared. ‘Cause you’ll need it.
This is your last simple break before the big challenge, write to bare necessities and get yourself ready.
You just woke up and you need to get ready for your day in writing. Write to A dream is a Wish your heart makes as you get ready to get serious in your writing.
You have a long ride ahead of you, trying to get to 50k. Write to Why should I worry and keep your cool. You’ve got this.
Time to roll a dice! (12 sides) 1-3: Write to I won't say I'm in love 4-7: Write to I'll make a man out of you 8-10: Write to Colors of the wind 11-12: Write to double songs! Both You'll be in my heart AND Two worlds
It’s really hard to write the perfect novel when you’re trying to write 50k in one month. At least Georgette has being perfect down, write to Perfect isn't easy and try not to make any spelling mistakes. Success: Write 100 words Failure: Write 200 words
Write to Circle of life now as you write the above words.
Writing a novel is a new experience, and an exciting ride. Write to A whole new world so you can keep your excitement going.
How badly do you want to get to 50k? Pretty bad I’m guessing. Write to Something that I want.
Who watched to new Live Action Cinderella? There’s this one song that’s really good, and pretty to listen to. Write to Lavender's blue to keep your spirits up.
I suggest you try something new, maybe switch up the story in a way you didn’t plan. To give you inspiration write to Try Everything
Let’s add some evil songs, time to listen to Poor Unfortunate Souls to add a little evil.
You’re probably losing some inspiration, well then it’s time for Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious do a carrot and stick challenge. If you fail your challenge: You must write 1000 words If you succeed your challenge: Then write 500 words
As you’re writing your words for above, listen to Spoonful of Sugar and Chim Chim cher-ee
Someday you’ll reach your word-count goal, for now just listen to Snow White as she sings Someday my Prince will come
Shang wants you to become a better writer, he wants you to write to I'll make a man out of you and write 250 words. If you fail: He says you must write for 10 minutes listening to this song in a loop: Not a Disney song but it's suppose to be a punishment I guess If you succeed: Continue on then.
You can do it yes you can! Time for some cheering on from Hercules with his I can go the distance, because you certainly can!
*sigh* it’s hard isn’t it? Like it is for Annie! Time to write to It's a hard knock life for us, and think about how hard it is to write 50k in a month.
Who likes cats? I know I do! And some of them have the best songs! Like Everybody wants to be a cat (which is totally true) and Thomas O'malley makes us want to sing even more! Be sure to write to these two cat-loving songs! But don’t forget The Siamese cat song, am I the only one who was scared of these two?
Your story might be a little on the wacky side right now, especially since you’re just trying to get to 50k and not worrying about grammar. So I think today should definitely be Topsy Turvy Day
It’s time to Dig a little deeper in your novel!
ROLL A DIE AGAIN. 12-sides! This time you won’t know what you’re listening to! 1-3: Mystery Song 4-7: Mystery song hehe 8-10: Mystery song FAVE 11-12: Actually this is my favorite mystery song :-D
We probably all wish we could live Under the sea
Do you have a favorite phrase in your novel? I don’t yet, but hey Hakuna Matata is a good replacement for now.
You’re almost there!
Okay, so I’m gonna have a big challenge for you soon, so it’s time to be prepared. ‘Cause you’ll need it.
This is your last simple break before the big challenge, write to bare necessities and get yourself ready.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Harry Potter word Crawl
Here is a Harry Potter word Crawl for all of you Harry Potter fans! 1 2 3 write!
You receive your Hogwarts letter by owl and are completely ecstatic to head out for your first year at Hogwarts. Sprint to 100 words to let out your excitement and energy.
You arrive in Diagon Alley and your first stop is Gringotts, wizard bank. Write for ten minutes. The amount of words you write will determine how many Galleons are in your vault.
Less than 100 words: 1 Galleon
100-200 words: 2 Galleons
More than 200 words: 3 Galleons
Less than 150 words: 1 Galleon
150-250 words: 2 Galleons
More than 250 words: 3 Galleons
Less than 250 words: 1 Galleon
250-350 words: 2 Galleons
More than 350 words: 3 Galleons
You step into Ollivander’s wand shop. Roll a die and multiply your roll by 100. Sprint to that many words.
Finally, you’re done shopping! But before you leave, you decide that you want to purchase a pet. Write for 15 minutes as you search for the perfect animal for you. Pick one: owl, cat, or toad.
After months of waiting, you’ve arrived on platform 9 ¾ and boarded the Hogwarts Express! Write to the nearest thousand as you settle into your seat and get ready for a long ride. If you need to write more than 500 words for this challenge and choose not to skip this round, take one Galleon.
Anything off the trolley, dear? Buy some sweets to help get you through the ride! Depending on your candy, find your challenge below!
Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans: Participate in a Fifty Headed Hydra as you frantically try to get the taste of vomit out of your mouth.
Chocolate Frog: Write for five minutes as you chase down the frog.
Licorice Wand: Sprint to 150 words.
Pumpkin Pasties: Roll a die and multiply by 50. Write that many words.
You arrive at the castle and wait in the hall with the rest of the first years. You notice a boy with messy black hair and glasses talking with a redheaded boy, a girl with bushy hair whispering to the people around her, and a boy with pale… well, everything. Write for ten minutesas you attempt to socialize with the people around you.
Professor McGonagall escorts you and your peers into the Great Hall for the Sorting. After the Sorting Hat sings its song and several students walk up timidly, your name is called, and you sit yourself down on the stool, timid and worried about what is about to happen. McGonagall places the hat on your head, and you are sorted into your House. Pick from the four Houses- Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.
Gryffindor: Are you brave enough to write ten times your typing speed in 10 minutes?
Hufflepuff: Remain loyal to your word count and write steadily for 45 minutes with no breaks.
Ravenclaw: Calculate how many words it will take for you to write to the nearest 1000.
Slytherin: You’re an ambitious one, aren’t you? Write 750 words in 30 minutes!
The feast is delicious! Do the Three Digit Challenge as you eat at your House table and talk with those around you, as well as your House ghost. If you are in Hufflepuff, you know your chambers are near the kitchen so you save room for later and may skip this round for free.
You’ve settled into your dormitory quite quickly and nicely, and your first couple weeks of class go well. Write for an hour as you grow accustomed to your new classes and all of the magic you’re learning.
Muggleborns: If you write 750 words within the hour, take 2 Galleons.
Halfbloods: If you write 1,000 words within the hour, take 2 Galleons.
Purebloods: If you write 1,250 words within the hour, take 2 Galleons.
On your way to Potions, the messy haired boy who you now know is Harry Potter stops and asks you if you know where Professor Binns’ classroom is. Write 200 words in 10 minutes as you try to remember where his classroom is.
If you succeed: Harry hurries to Binns’ classroom and gives you a Galleon as a thank you for your help.
If you fail: You spend so much time trying to help Harry that you are both late to your next class. Write another 200 words as you apologize to Snape and try not to lose any points for your House.
If you are in Slytherin, Snape likes you and lets you skip this round for free.
You get locked out of your common room and Mrs. Norris finds you! You run with Harry, Ron, and Hermione to the third door corridor, and you find a giant three-headed dog! After making it back to your dormitory safely, roll a die, multiply your roll by 100, and write that many words as you try to calm down.
Troll! In the dungeon! You go with Harry and Ron to find Hermione and end up fighting the troll with them. Sprint to 250 words, and try not to get yourself killed. If you are in Gryffindor, you fight the troll bravely and may skip this round for free.
You go down to Hagrid’s hut to have tea with him. When you try his treacle fudge, your teeth get stuck together! Write for fifteen minutesas Hagrid tries to help and Madam Pomfrey magically loosens the cement-like effect the fudge had on your mouth.
Months pass, and it’s Christmas morning! You receive 3 Galleons from your parents, as well as a challenge from the Weasley twins.Write 1000 words in under an hour.
If you succeed: they give you a Galleon.
If you fail: they hit you with snowballs until you’re buried under heavy amounts of snow and make you write 250 more words.
During the Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch game, you get incredibly excited. Roll a die. If even, you’re cheering for Gryffindor; if odd, you’re cheering for Slytherin. Word war for fifteen minutes with someone cheering for the opposite team. If you beat them, you win your bet, and you take 2 of their Galleons. But be careful- if you lose, you give them 2 of your Galleons. A bet’s a bet.
Harry tells you that he suspects that Snape is going after the Philosopher’s Stone and you decide to go with the trio to try to get to the Stone before Snape does. But before you can even go down the trapdoor, you need to make it past Fluffy. Write for ten minutes as you lull him to sleep sneak through the door. If you are in Ravenclaw, you know exactly how to keep Fluffy asleep and may skip this round for free.
Oh no- you and your friends are trapped in a patch of Devil’s Snare! Hermione tells you that you need to write 300 words in five minutes in order to safely escape.
If you succeed: You make it out of the deadly plant without a scratch and even spot a Galleon on the ground. What luck!
If you fail: Hermione has to set the plant on fire to get you out alive. She thinks very poorly of your skills now, so write another 300 words to impress her.
Harry catches a flying key and opens a large wooden door. Inside the next room is a giant wizard chess set. You and your friends need to replace some of the pieces and play the game. Ron takes the place of a knight, Harry becomes a bishop, and Hermione takes over for a rook. Pick a chess piece and complete the challenge below! Keep in mind that you are not allowed to skip this round even if you have enough Galleons to do so.
Pawn: You know you won’t be of much use to the game and think it would be wisest to be taken out early. Complete a Fifty Headed Hydraand take a fifteen minute writing break to recover from your injuries.
Rook: You take the place of the other rook and spend the game running across the board, strategically taking out important pieces of the other side’s team. Sprint to 200 and take a five minute writing break once the game is won.
Bishop: You take the place of the other bishop and sneakily take out pawns on the other team. Write for 20 minutes and take a five minute writing break once the game is won.
Knight: You take the place of the other knight and become the wild card of the match. Write 300 words in 15 minutes until you’re taken out by one of the other team’s rooks. Take a fifteen minute writing break to recover from your injuries.
Harry and Hermione move ahead into the next room when you stay with Ron. When Hermione comes back, sprint to 500 words as you run to find Dumbledore and explain the situation to him.
The word gets out that Professor Quirrell is the one who wanted the stone, not Snape! Rumors also spread of your bravery in helping Harry, Ron, and Hermione as you four went through the challenges the professors set to protect the stone. Dumbledore awards you fifty points for your courage. Write for five minutes as your peers congratulate and admire you.
You arrive in Diagon Alley and your first stop is Gringotts, wizard bank. Write for ten minutes. The amount of words you write will determine how many Galleons are in your vault.
Less than 100 words: 1 Galleon
100-200 words: 2 Galleons
More than 200 words: 3 Galleons
Less than 150 words: 1 Galleon
150-250 words: 2 Galleons
More than 250 words: 3 Galleons
Less than 250 words: 1 Galleon
250-350 words: 2 Galleons
More than 350 words: 3 Galleons
You step into Ollivander’s wand shop. Roll a die and multiply your roll by 100. Sprint to that many words.
Finally, you’re done shopping! But before you leave, you decide that you want to purchase a pet. Write for 15 minutes as you search for the perfect animal for you. Pick one: owl, cat, or toad.
After months of waiting, you’ve arrived on platform 9 ¾ and boarded the Hogwarts Express! Write to the nearest thousand as you settle into your seat and get ready for a long ride. If you need to write more than 500 words for this challenge and choose not to skip this round, take one Galleon.
Anything off the trolley, dear? Buy some sweets to help get you through the ride! Depending on your candy, find your challenge below!
Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans: Participate in a Fifty Headed Hydra as you frantically try to get the taste of vomit out of your mouth.
Chocolate Frog: Write for five minutes as you chase down the frog.
Licorice Wand: Sprint to 150 words.
Pumpkin Pasties: Roll a die and multiply by 50. Write that many words.
You arrive at the castle and wait in the hall with the rest of the first years. You notice a boy with messy black hair and glasses talking with a redheaded boy, a girl with bushy hair whispering to the people around her, and a boy with pale… well, everything. Write for ten minutesas you attempt to socialize with the people around you.
Professor McGonagall escorts you and your peers into the Great Hall for the Sorting. After the Sorting Hat sings its song and several students walk up timidly, your name is called, and you sit yourself down on the stool, timid and worried about what is about to happen. McGonagall places the hat on your head, and you are sorted into your House. Pick from the four Houses- Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.
Gryffindor: Are you brave enough to write ten times your typing speed in 10 minutes?
Hufflepuff: Remain loyal to your word count and write steadily for 45 minutes with no breaks.
Ravenclaw: Calculate how many words it will take for you to write to the nearest 1000.
Slytherin: You’re an ambitious one, aren’t you? Write 750 words in 30 minutes!
The feast is delicious! Do the Three Digit Challenge as you eat at your House table and talk with those around you, as well as your House ghost. If you are in Hufflepuff, you know your chambers are near the kitchen so you save room for later and may skip this round for free.
You’ve settled into your dormitory quite quickly and nicely, and your first couple weeks of class go well. Write for an hour as you grow accustomed to your new classes and all of the magic you’re learning.
Muggleborns: If you write 750 words within the hour, take 2 Galleons.
Halfbloods: If you write 1,000 words within the hour, take 2 Galleons.
Purebloods: If you write 1,250 words within the hour, take 2 Galleons.
On your way to Potions, the messy haired boy who you now know is Harry Potter stops and asks you if you know where Professor Binns’ classroom is. Write 200 words in 10 minutes as you try to remember where his classroom is.
If you succeed: Harry hurries to Binns’ classroom and gives you a Galleon as a thank you for your help.
If you fail: You spend so much time trying to help Harry that you are both late to your next class. Write another 200 words as you apologize to Snape and try not to lose any points for your House.
If you are in Slytherin, Snape likes you and lets you skip this round for free.
You get locked out of your common room and Mrs. Norris finds you! You run with Harry, Ron, and Hermione to the third door corridor, and you find a giant three-headed dog! After making it back to your dormitory safely, roll a die, multiply your roll by 100, and write that many words as you try to calm down.
Troll! In the dungeon! You go with Harry and Ron to find Hermione and end up fighting the troll with them. Sprint to 250 words, and try not to get yourself killed. If you are in Gryffindor, you fight the troll bravely and may skip this round for free.
You go down to Hagrid’s hut to have tea with him. When you try his treacle fudge, your teeth get stuck together! Write for fifteen minutesas Hagrid tries to help and Madam Pomfrey magically loosens the cement-like effect the fudge had on your mouth.
Months pass, and it’s Christmas morning! You receive 3 Galleons from your parents, as well as a challenge from the Weasley twins.Write 1000 words in under an hour.
If you succeed: they give you a Galleon.
If you fail: they hit you with snowballs until you’re buried under heavy amounts of snow and make you write 250 more words.
During the Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch game, you get incredibly excited. Roll a die. If even, you’re cheering for Gryffindor; if odd, you’re cheering for Slytherin. Word war for fifteen minutes with someone cheering for the opposite team. If you beat them, you win your bet, and you take 2 of their Galleons. But be careful- if you lose, you give them 2 of your Galleons. A bet’s a bet.
Harry tells you that he suspects that Snape is going after the Philosopher’s Stone and you decide to go with the trio to try to get to the Stone before Snape does. But before you can even go down the trapdoor, you need to make it past Fluffy. Write for ten minutes as you lull him to sleep sneak through the door. If you are in Ravenclaw, you know exactly how to keep Fluffy asleep and may skip this round for free.
Oh no- you and your friends are trapped in a patch of Devil’s Snare! Hermione tells you that you need to write 300 words in five minutes in order to safely escape.
If you succeed: You make it out of the deadly plant without a scratch and even spot a Galleon on the ground. What luck!
If you fail: Hermione has to set the plant on fire to get you out alive. She thinks very poorly of your skills now, so write another 300 words to impress her.
Harry catches a flying key and opens a large wooden door. Inside the next room is a giant wizard chess set. You and your friends need to replace some of the pieces and play the game. Ron takes the place of a knight, Harry becomes a bishop, and Hermione takes over for a rook. Pick a chess piece and complete the challenge below! Keep in mind that you are not allowed to skip this round even if you have enough Galleons to do so.
Pawn: You know you won’t be of much use to the game and think it would be wisest to be taken out early. Complete a Fifty Headed Hydraand take a fifteen minute writing break to recover from your injuries.
Rook: You take the place of the other rook and spend the game running across the board, strategically taking out important pieces of the other side’s team. Sprint to 200 and take a five minute writing break once the game is won.
Bishop: You take the place of the other bishop and sneakily take out pawns on the other team. Write for 20 minutes and take a five minute writing break once the game is won.
Knight: You take the place of the other knight and become the wild card of the match. Write 300 words in 15 minutes until you’re taken out by one of the other team’s rooks. Take a fifteen minute writing break to recover from your injuries.
Harry and Hermione move ahead into the next room when you stay with Ron. When Hermione comes back, sprint to 500 words as you run to find Dumbledore and explain the situation to him.
The word gets out that Professor Quirrell is the one who wanted the stone, not Snape! Rumors also spread of your bravery in helping Harry, Ron, and Hermione as you four went through the challenges the professors set to protect the stone. Dumbledore awards you fifty points for your courage. Write for five minutes as your peers congratulate and admire you.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Disney word crawl
I love Disney so, so much! I Hope that you enjoy this word crawl as much as I do! 1 2 3 Write!
You're on vacation, and you absolutely aren't leaving the house. Nothing anyone can do can make you. With no plans to leave the house, you decide to finally do it. You're going to watch all of the Disney animated movies in the order of their eras, in the order they came out. It's a lot of Disney to watch in one sitting, but you don't care! Write for 5 minutes to get started.
The first era of Disney animation is known as the Golden Age. Sprint for 10 minutes as you prepare yourself for the first five films from 1937-1942.
Starting off your binge is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It's no wonder that this movie won an Academy Award. The animation in this is just spectacular. That scary forest? The details in the cottage?What's not to love? Well, the Queen certainly didn't love Snow White. She ordered for the girl's death for the sake of vanity. Word war for 5 minutes.
Before you know it, you're off to the second film – Pinnochio. A marionette comes alive and wants to be a real boy, but he has so much to prove that it's almost too difficult. And how crazy is that scene when they're inside the whale? Write 200 words.
Don't mistake this next movie for it's 2000 remake! Fantasia is the third film of the Golden Age, premiering in 1940. Mickey Mouse is heavily featured in this one, his first time starring in a major Disney movie. Did you know that this is one of the first Disney movies that combined live action with animation? One thing is certain – the quality of the music performed is amazing. Flip a coin on random.org:
- Heads – Write for 20 minutes.
- Tails – Do a fifty-headed hydra.
Oh, Dumbo. Who doesn't just love that adorable elephant? He didn't deserve the torment he received from having those ears. Dumbo also serves as a reminder that having fame doesn't automatically make you happy, as evidenced by how miserable he is when he becomes a clown. Poor little guy. At least he proves everyone wrong when his true talent – flying – is revealed. Write for the duration of the video of the Pink Elephant song. Was this movie always so trippy?
Bambi. Why does this one have to exist? We all know why this movie is so difficult to watch. Who wasn't deeply affected by what happens to Bambi's mother? Generate a number between 150 and 400 and write that many words as you wipe the tears from your eyes. No matter how old you get, that scene never gets any easier to digest.
And there you have it! More than seven hours have passed since you started watching. Break for 10 minutes to finally stretch those legs.
Six films lie ahead in the Wartime Era, which spanned from 1943 to 1949. Write 60 words.
The first film from this era, Saludos Amigos, was commissioned by the US Department of State. This was a part of a Disney goodwill tour of South America. Mickey Mouse was very popular, and they actually used this movie to counteract South American ties to Nazi Germany. The things you learn throughout the years! Sprint to the next thousand.
The Three Caballeros was another movie that combined live action and animation. Like the previous movie, this one has various segments, a not-so-difficult plot to follow, and a few new characters only seen in these films. The premise is that it's Donald Duck's birthday, and he gets presents from his friends in Latin America. That's a quality concept that you can get behind! Roll a die, multiply by 25, and write that many words.
Another segment film, Make Mine Music is one of Disney's war propaganda films. Surprised? Probably not, as that does seem to be the theme of this era. Do a Three Digit Challenge.
Fun and Fancy Free is next, and it strays from the segment film format. Instead, this follows two different stories and is yet another example of a mixture of live action and animation. Jiminy Cricket is a key character in the first portion, Bongo, while Mickey Mouse and his friends all star in Mickey and the Beanstalk. Write for 15 minutes. Are you having fun? Do you feel fancy or free?
The first time Melody Time hit theaters, it was a flop. Described as the pop version of Fantasia, it had a $1.5 million budget, but only made $1.8 million. Oh well. Disney can't win them all! Write 500 words.
The last movie of the Wartime Era is The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad. This models the same format used in Fun and Fancy Free, featuring two stories. This movie went on to win Disney a Golden Globe in color cinematography. Do the Carrot and Stick challenge.
Despite having one more movie than the last era, a little over six hours have since elapsed. Take a 5 minute break.
More princesses are on the horizon, as we're now entering the Silver Age of Disney, spanning from 1950 to 1959. Eight movies are a part of this era, so write 800 words to prepare.
Cinderella is a beautifully created movie with an extremely tragic heroine. Most of the princesses have heartbreaking stories, but who doesn't cringe when Lady Tremaine sticks the stepsisters on Cinderella, when they tear up her dress? If it weren't for her mice friends, Cinderella truly would have been alone in the world. Roll a die.
- 1 or 3: Write 300 words.
- 2 or 5: Word war for 20 minutes.
- 4 or 6: Do a song sprint to a song of your choosing.
Another wacky Disney movie is Alice in Wonderland, and it's not just because the author of the book it's based on was rumored to be on drugs when he wrote it. Like the Pink Elephant part of Dumbo, this is a truly trippy, truly crazy movie. Sprint to the next 500 as you digest all the characters and situations Alice goes through after falling down the rabbit hole.
There's obviously a bit of controversy surrounding the next movie in this day and age. Peter Pan's portrayal of Native Americans definitely goes against politically correct culture. Fast forward through this cringe-worthy part, and write 200 words as fast as you can.
Animals, specifically dogs, take a front seat in Lady and the Tramp. The most iconic scene from this movie is the restaurant part. Try to resist the urge to tear up while these two lovable pooches have a great first date. Write 300 words
True love's kiss being the cure for what ails people is a recurring theme in Disney movies, most specifically in Sleeping Beauty. This cartoon version certainly glosses over the darker parts of the Grimm Brothers' story. Thankfully so, too, as it truly would have stolen the innocence of many of us had we known what some of the missing details are. Write 1,000 words in 30 minutes as you try to forget what you may now know.
Dogs take center stage once again in One Hundred and One Dalmations. From Pongo and Perdy to the crazy Cruella De Vil, there is a lot to love about this movie. The challenge for this movie should be easy – write 101 words!
The Sword in the Stone is a play on the Knights of the Round Table story. It begins with a young Arthur, who must vie with other people in England in an attempt to become the King of England. Oh, did I mention that Merlin himself is also a character? Write for 20 minutes.
- If you get less than 500 words, sprint for 5 minutes.
- If you get more than 500 words, rest for 10 minutes.
The Jungle Book is the last movie in this era. Once more, animals are brought out to be the stars, even if the main character is a human. How fitting that he would be one who can speak with these animals! Flip a coin.
- Heads: Song war to I Wanna Be Like You.
- Tails: Song war to Bare Necessities.
Ten more hours have passed! When was the last time you ate a vegetable or went to the bathroom? Break for 20 minutes.
We now enter The Bronze Age, which lasted from 1960 all the way to 1988. That's a difference of 28 years. Write 280 words.
Cats take center stage in the first movie from this era, The Aristocats. Duchess was always such an amazing mother to those kittens. And who didn't love the positive portrayal of Madame Adelaide, an old, unmarried woman who loves cats? She isn't insane; she's just rich and wants to provide for her beloved pets. If only Edgar wasn't the world's most greediest butler, trying to get rid of the animals so he can inherit a fortune. Write 500 words as Thomas O'Malley helps get the kittens back home. Don't forget to do your scales and arpeggios!
Everyone knows the story of Robin Hood. He robbed from the rich to give to the poor. Is this the right thing to portray to kids? Well, that's for a parent to decide. After so many hours watching movies, you're in no position to make decisions for other people. Pick a character and do that challenge.
- Robin Hood: Write 1% of your word count.
- Maid Marien: Write 200 words.
- Little John: Word war for 30 minutes.
- Friar Tuck: Do 5 song sprints.
- Prince John: Sprint for 10 minutes.
Time for the movie about everyone's favorite willy nilly silly old bear. That's right, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Did you know that this is technically another example of segment film? The stories in this were all previously released featurettes that were merged together with extra footage with a fourth feature added to bring everything together. Who knew? Write 100 words.
Older Disney movies have a habit of casting the same people in their films. The man who played Baloo in The Jungle Book also voiced the role of Little John in Robin Hood and Thomas O'Malley in The Aristocats. Our next Silver Age movie, The Rescuers, recasts Eva Gabor, who previously voiced Duchess in The Aristocats, as Miss Bianca. You're learning so much Disney trivia during your binge that you don't even know what to do with yourself. Write 600 words, one hundred words for every word in rescue. After all, what would the world be without the Rescue Aid Society?
If it wasn't for The Fox and the Hound, Disney World in Orlando, Floria wouldn't have such a famous ride as Splash Mountain, which takes riders through the story. Write for the duration of this view from the ride.
The Black Cauldron is a rather different kind of movie, you're now noticing. Given all the movies you've watched so far, you can't help but notice how much darker this one is. The movie is based not on a Grimm fairytale, but on the first two novels of a series based on Welsh mythology. The series it's based on has five books, so write 500 words.
The Great Mouse Detective tries to bring a mouse that isn't Mickey into the spotlight. And it certainly succeeded, as it made back the money spent on it, and then some! The folks at Disney must have been pleased, as it pulled in more money than The Black Cauldron. None of these money things matter to you, though. Not when you're 25 movies deep on this crawl! Write 250 words as fast as you can.
- Write it in less than 10 minutes: Write 100 more words.
- Write it in more than 10 minutes: Write 200 more words.
Inspired by a Charles Dickens novel, Oliver & Company is Disney's musical buddy comedy. The movie stars Billy Joel, one of the most famous singers of the the 1980s. Some might even say he is the epitome of the 80s. Write 80 words, then 160 words, then 240 words.
Another eleven hours have passed by you. How are you even still functioning? Take a 20 minute break.
Welcome to the Renaissance! The Disney Renaissance, that is. The ten films that came during the period between 1989 and 1999 brought us lovable princesses, exceptional songs, and hit after hit. Write 100 words, 10 for each movie.
The Little Mermaid is the first you're watching from this era, so right off the bat you're off to a great start. Pick two songs and do the tasks associated with them.
- Daughters of Triton: Write 700 words.
- Part Of Your World: Sprint for 10 minutes.
- Under the Sea: Sprint the duration of the song.
- Poor Unfortunate Souls: Write 200 words in 5 minutes. If you fail, sprint to the next thousand.
- Kiss The Girl: Write 500 words.
The Rescuers Down Under, while a solid sequel, is the worst performing movie of the Renaissance period. The movie came out on November 16, 1990. When you add up the digits from this date, you get 28. Write 280 words as you try to figure out what went wrong with this film.
Disney was back on top with the release of Beauty and the Beast. This gave us such memorable characters as Lumiere and Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts and Chip, and who can forget Beast? He really needs to work on those anger problems. Word war for 10 minutes, and hope that the last petal doesn't fall from the rose!
There are two types of fans of the next movie, Aladdin: people who like it, and people who only like it for Robin Williams. It's true that his genie is legendary. Have you ever read about all the problems between Williams and Disney, though? You should one day. It's a fun feud to read about. As the movie made over $504 million at the box office, write 504 words. Time yourself!
- In 10 minutes or less: Genie grants you one wish. Do any sort of writing challenge you want.
- In 11 to 20 minutes: Genie is unsure, but he still grants you a wish. Word war for 15 minutes.
- Over 20 minutes: Genie won't grant you a wish. Sprint to the next 500.
The time has come. It's finally time to watch one of the greatest Disney movies ever made – The Lion King. Try not to cry during that scene. Oh, you know the one. Write 120 words, 10 for every letter in Hakuna Matata. Don't worry about how long it takes you to do it. Don't worry about anything. Apply that problem-free philosophy to your own life.
Pocahantas is a Disney film that's actually based on a real person, not on a fairy tale. Granted, artistic license was greatly used when portraying her life, but isn't that the case for many movies made about famous people? The movie is set in 1607, so write 1607 words.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame did well at the box office. By now, though, you've begun to not really care about those statistics. You've watched so many movies, and you're barely awake. The film is set in France. You start fantasizing about a European vacation. Where do you want to go? Click here to generate a random country. Refresh until you have a European one, then write 10 words for every letter in that country's name.
Switching things up to something mythical is Hercules, a film based on Greek mythology. Despite this being a Greek story, Hercules is actually this god's Roman name; his Greek name is Heracles. Who knew? Roll a die.
- Even number: Look at the number of people online on the NaNoWriMo website and write the last three digits of that number.
- Odd number: Generate a number between 200 and 500 and write that many words.
Mulan is another Disney Renaissance film that is based on an amazing woman. Again, artistic license is used, but the premise is true. Mulan was a Chinese woman who went to war in place of her father. She brought honor to her family by helping to defeat the Huns. Do a song sprint to I'll Make A Man Out Of You, one of the most popular Disney songs ever.
With Tarzan coming after such a great movie like Mulan, some might feel a bit disappointed. While it is still a quality film, you can certainly tell that the Renaissance period is drawing to a close. Sprint for 5 minutes.
15 more hours have elapsed. What day is it? Where are you? Rest for 30 minutes because things are about to get weird.
Now that we're in the new millennium, the period between 2000 and 2009 is known as the Post Renaissance Era. Eleven whole movies fall in this category. By now, I know. You must be very tired. But a Disney movie marathon knows no bounds! You have to keep going. Write 100 words.
Fantasia 2000 is the remake no one asked for and yet we got it anyway. With new music and new stories, though, this is decent enough. With 8 different segments to it, write 80 words.
Disney's first computer-animated movie, Dinosaur, is up next. This movie follows a group of dinosaurs trying to survive. It's an extremely intense movie, as some of the dinosaurs are frightening for young children. After so much regular animation, this computer change up is most welcome. Pick a dinosaur.
- Carnotaurus: Do a fifty-headed hydra.
- Parasaurolophus: Write 300 words.
- Iguanodon: Write 1,000 words in 30 minutes.
- Pteranodon: Carrot and Stick challenge.
- Velociraptor: Do a Three Digit Challenge.
Who doesn't love the next film, The Emperor's New Groove? The characters are memorable, it's a return back to 2-D animation, and the story is hilarious. Running at 78 minutes, write 78 words as you watch this comedy unfold.
Atlantis: The Lost Empire is when things really start to get strange. In this movie, eight explorers with eight very different personalities search for the fabled lost city. Be careful not to drink the nitroglycerin! Write 800 words.
Lilo & Stitch is one of the most successful, most popular movies to come from this animation era. Stitch became a phenomenon! Disney even began to edit him into other Disney films as an ad for the movie. Sprint for the duration of each video. 1 2 3 4
Treasure Planet ended up being a box office disappointment. Trying to model the slight success of Atlantis, Disney failed. They ended up loosing $31 million! That's a lot of dough. Sprint for 31 minutes as you cringe your way through this.
By the time Brother Bear came out, Disney animation was basically doing whatever it was that they wanted to do. Rotten Tomatoes gives this movie a rating of 38%, just to give you an idea of what you're dealing with. Write 380 words.
Disney's Home on the Range is billed as an animated musical western comedy. That's a lot going on for just 76 minutes of airtime. This was not the hit Disney was looking for. Movies in this era hadn't done nearly as well as movies from the Renaissance. With names like Roseanne Barr, Dame Judi Dench, and Cuba Gooding, Jr., surely they had higher hopes for this movie. Write 400 words.
Things are still weird, but Chicken Little proved to be a small hit amongst a few years of slumps. Everyone knows this story, a play on The Boy Who Cried Wolf, so how exactly it warranted 81 minutes of film is something you don't understand. You're really getting tired of watching movies. Time for an impromptu, mid-era 10 minute break.
Meet the Robinsons came next. Disney stepped their game up for this one. There were talks of a sequel to this film, that's how good it was. However, when John Lasseter became chief creative officer of Walt Disney Animation Studios, he canceled this sequel, as well as sequels to Chicken Little and The Aristocats. Thanks, John Lasseter. Write for 5 uneventful minutes.
Dogs have always been popular characters in Disney films, so it's no wonder that Bolt did so well in theaters. Who would think to pair John Travolta and Miley Cyrus in a movie? Only the people at Disney. Write 160 words, the amount of profit (in millions) this movie brought in.
Take another 10 minute break. You're on the home stretch now, and you don't even know how much time has passed.
We're now in the final era, the Revival Era. This began in 2010 and is happening right now! Holy cow. That's exciting. No challenge now, let's just go.
The Princess and the Frog did so much better than most of the movies from the previous era. Not to mention that this is the first Disney movie where the main characters are people of color. Disney finally caught up with the times... in 2010. Write 270 words.
Continuing with the hits came Tangled. Disney is certainly on a high with these amazing movies. Based on the story of Rapunzel, catchy songs and memorable characters like Mother Gothel make this such an unforgettable movie. Word war for 5 minutes.
Winnie the Pooh, released in 2011, was one of the last movies to feature the classic 2-D animation that the company was known for producing. This was a low budget movie and didn't earn too much more. It seems as though Disney was simply putting a movie out just to put it out, but that's their prerogative. Generate a random number between 100 and 200, and write that many words.
Brave deviates from the norm set by most Disney princesses. Merida does not want to get married. Her only ambitions are to live a relatively normal life. All the power to her! Who doesn't love a girl who knows what she wants? Set your own goal, just as Merida would do her own thing.
Who knew that one of the highlights of this era would be a movie about video game characters? People just can't get enough of Wreck-It Ralph. Who didn't find it heartbreaking when Ralph confessed to not wanting to be the bad guy? Wipe those eyes and write 500 words.
Frozen proved to be the best movie Disney ever decided to make, as it's proved to be such a financial success. Children can't get enough of it! The challenge to this movie has to be an obvious one – Sprint the duration of Let It Go.
Any movie coming after such a big hit as Frozen has big britches to fill. Big Hero 6 did not bring in over a billion dollars like its predecessor, but it did hold its own and turned out to be fairly popular. People fell in love with Baymax, a health care robot. Write 600 words, 100 for every letter in Baymax's name.
Finally, the last movie is here! Zootopia capitalized on something that's always been a big hit with Disney – animals as characters. There's just something about talking animals that people adore. Financially, this movie did almost as well as Frozen. To have two huge hits in one era, so close together? Disney sure was lucky. For every thousand words you've written during this crawl, write 10 words.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Star Wars word crawl
Here is a Star Wars word crawl! 1 2 3 write!
To start, write for fifteen minutes.
<300 words: You get 1 Midi-chlorian
300-450 words: You get 2 Midi-chlorians
450-600 words: You get 3 Midi-chlorians
600> words: You get 4 Midi-chlorians
1.You are a moisture farmer’s son/daughter living on Tatooine. Write for ten minutes as you complain about how boring your life is, and wish that you could be part of the war between the Rebels and the Empire, just like your friend Luke.
2.The Jawas’ sandcrawler is finally here. Your dad tells you to hurry up and go buy an R5 droid. Sprint to 300 words as you hurry to get there before the Jawas leave.
3.You still get there after everyone else, and the only R5 unit they have is a red one, R5-D4. You buy it, but it lasts less than a minute. Write for twenty minutes while the Jawa explains the defect. The Jawa gives you the address of the last person who bought an R2 unit, but it’s getting late, so you’ll go tomorrow.
4.The next morning, you set off to find the droid. You arrive at the house just in time to see your friend Luke setting off on his speeder. Word war for ten minutes with a friend as you try to catch up. If you lose, write 150 extra words as you find where Luke has gone.
5.He finally stops, and you get there in time to see him being ambushed by Tusken Raiders, who are then driven off by an old man. You rush into the man’s cave and see your friend Luke with R2-D2. Write to the nearest thousand as you try to persuade him to sell you the droid.
6.Ben, the old man, tells you and Luke that you are strong in the force and gives you each a lightsaber. Word war for five minutes as you practice with your new weapons. If you win, take 2 Midi-chlorians. If you lose, take 1.
7.Ben offers to take you to Alderaan after the droid shows him a message of help. He tells you and Luke that both of your fathers were killed by an evil man named Darth Vader. You agree immediately, but Luke wants to go back to his family. Sprint to 150 while you speed back to his place with him.
8.You get to Luke’s house, but it is in ruin! Write for five minutes to try and comfort him.
9.Ben takes you to Mos Eisley, where you find out that stormtroopers are looking for some droids. Then, you go to a bar to look for a ship. While you’re there, a strange monster thing approaches you. Apparently he doesn’t like you, and he begins to provoke a fight. Write 300 words in 10 minutes. If you succeed, you cut of his arm with your new lightsaber. If you fail, you miss. Ben cuts his arm off instead, and you have to write 200 more words while you explain the gash in the bar to the bartender.
10.Ben has found you a ship! A Wookie named Chewbacca is here, with his accomplice, Han Solo. Roll a six-sided die. Multiply your roll by 100 and write that many words as fast as you can. Record the time it took you for further reference.
11.As you take off in the Millenium Falcon, there are stormtroopers shooting at you! Sprint to 350 as you try to fly away before they get a lucky shot in at the tiny target.
12.Ben feels a tremor in the Force while trying to train you and Luke. Word war for fifteen minutes. If you win, Ben says you have taken your first step into a larger world—take one Midi-chlorian!
13.You exit from hyperspace at Alderaan—except Alderaan isn’t there! You are then sucked by a tractor beam into a large object, which may or may not be a moon. You are held there until you can deactivate the tractor beam, which Ben decides to do. You and Luke find out that Princess Leia is being held prisoner on the Death Star! Write for twenty minutes as you come up with a plan to rescue her.
14.You, Luke, and Han dress up as stormtroopers. You escort Chewbacca to Leia’s cell while the droids stayed behind. Write 500 wordsas you get to her cell and rescue her.
15.Somehow, the Death Star finds out about you, and you take the plunge into a giant garbage compactor. Write 300 words as you combat the smell, the creatures, an the compacting walls. Just before you are crushed to death, the droids stop the compacter!
16.Now, you have to fight your way back to the Falcon! Write thirty words as you fight through halls of stormtroopers and cross chasms.
17.When you get back to the Falcon, you see Ben, sacrificing himself so you can get away. Write a short ten minute burst to try to get rid of some of your grief.
18.While fleeing from the Empire, you have to gun down a few of their ships. Flip a coin. If heads, attempt a Fifty-Headed Hydra as you try to gun down the Empire. If tails, write quickly for ten minutes as you try to escape the Empire’s shots.
19.When you get to the rebel base, Han gets ready to leave with his rewards. Write the number of words you wrote in #10, in less time. If you fail, Han deserts you. If you succeed, Han deserts you.
20.Leia tells you all that the only way to stop the Empire and their terrible Death Star is by shooting one small spot in a trench on the surface with proton torpedoes. Roll a (six-sided) die and multiply the number by 50. Write that many words as you brave yourself to sign up for the mission. When you do, you can choose to be Red or Gold.
21.You are now part of one of the squadrons attacking the Death Star, Red and Gold. If you are Red, you are competing for the glory with your best friend Luke. Do a ten minute word war. If you are Gold, sprint to 400; you get your own glory, but you have no backup.
22.As you fly through the trench, all of your comrades beside you are shot out of the air. Write 3% of your current word count, braving yourself for the danger ahead. The Millennium Falcon springs out of hyperspace just in time to save you and Luke from TIE fighters.
23.You hear Ben’s voice saying “Use the Force, (Your Name). And Luke, too.” You each shoot your torpedoes. Do a twenty minute word war. If you win, your torpedo is on target, and Luke just helped. You gain 3 Midi-chlorians. If you lose, it’s the other way around, and you gain 1 Midi-chlorians.
24.You blow up the Death Star! You get a medal ceremony in which you, Luke, and Han are recognized for your awesomeness. Write for the entire duration of the Throne Room and End Credits music (if you’d rather not listen to it, just write for 5:38).
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Once upon a time word crawl
Here is a Once upon a time word crawl! 1 2 3 write!
It’s 8:15 as you roll into Storybrooke. This town is like Hotel California, the orange painted townline tells you that you can enter, but you can’t leave. You park in Main Street behind a very familiar looking yellow bug.
While thinking through options for accommodation, you do a 15 minute word war.
- If you write less than 400 words, then there’s no choice but to get comfortable in your car. That’s alright, some people only have a car.
- If you write between 400 and 600 words, then you get a room at Granny’s. Beware her wolf-like hearing when typing late at night.
- If you write more than 600 words, then congratulations you’re favorite character is at the window, offering you a bed in their spare room.
The next day, you start to investigate the town. There’s a new villain at work and you want to help the heroes defeat them. Unfortunately, heroics usually start with research so you head to the library to dig into the books. To get started, you take the Fifty Headed Hydrachallenge.
All that reading gave you a raging thirst, you decide to take a break and sprint to the nearest 1000.
It’s back to the library, to finish off the research - finish your current scene.
Finally success! The books reveal that the villain might be susceptible to a certain spell. However, it needs ingredients, so you head to Regina’s vault. On your way you do a quick 500 word sprint.
The vault is a complete mess. How does anybody find anything down here? You open a crate and shut it quickly seeing what looked like a two headed snake. This is going to take a while, so time for a 30 minute word war.
- If you are sleeping in your car, then you’ll find the ingredients if you write 800 words in the 30 minutes. If you don’t make it, then try again for 40 minutes. If you don’t make it again, then not to worry someone else finds the ingredients for you.
- If you are staying at Granny’s, then you’ll find the ingredients if you write 1000 words in the 30 minutes. If you don’t make it, then try again for 40 minutes. If you don’t make it again, then not to worry someone else finds the ingredients for you.
- If you are in the spare room, then you’ll find the ingredients if you write 1200 words in the 30 minutes. If you don’t make it, then try again for 40 minutes. If you don’t make it again, then not to worry someone else finds the ingredients for you.
The spell is all ready to go but the others aren’t here yet to cast it. Quick, roll a dice and write that many x100 words.
Finally the spell is cast and the villain is apprehended. So why aren’t things getting back to normal? This means only one thing - the bad guy wasn’t working alone. The spell on the townline is still as strong as ever. It’s going to take some serious thinking. Write 3% of your current wordcount while everyone is trying to puzzle it out.
You didn’t get much sleep last night, too busy thinking about who the second villain could be. However, you did have an idea, what if the second villain is in the book? You ask Henry if you can borrow his book to check. He says you can, if you do the 1k1hr challenge (1000 words in 1 hour).
There are so many stories in this book and they are all so interesting! You look over your shoulder, but nobody is watching you, so you find your favorite characters story to read first. It won’t take long to read it and then you’ll get back to villain research. Do the three digit challenge.
You read the story of the villain you just defeated but there is no mention of any shadowy partners so it must be a new teamup! That means you have to go back to the beginning of the book, and read every single story. You decide to do a word sprint to keep your mind sharp when reading.
- If you are sleeping in your car write 500 words.
- If you are staying at Granny’s write 1000 words.
- If you are in the spare room write 1500 words.
The book doesn’t reveal anything interesting, so there’s nothing for it. You have to head over to Gold’s pawnshop and ask Rumplestiltskin what he knows. However, it’s not just magic that comes with a price, information isn’t free either. For payment write until you’ve hit an amount equal to half your daily goal.
Rumplestiltskin didn’t know who you were looking for, but he gave you a tracking spell to find where they are hiding. You start to head there now, it’s almost most time for the big confrontation and you are a little nervous.
- If you are sleeping in your car, write to the nearest 500 word milestone (500, 1000 etc.)
- If you are staying at Granny’s, write to the nearest 1000 word milestone (1000, 2000 etc.)
- If you are in the spare room, write to the nearest 2000 word milestone (2000, 4000 etc.)
The second villain is defeated and true loves kiss is about to break the curse on the townline. You know you have to leave before the townline gets cursed again. However, even though this town is kinda crazy, it feels like home and you are going to miss everyone. To drag out your last day, write the amount of your daily goal.
The Leaving Storybrooke sign fades into the distance. You pull out a coin and flip it.
- Heads, you turn around and start the crawl again.
- Tails, you return to your life and leave Storybrooke behind.
It’s 8:15 as you roll into Storybrooke. This town is like Hotel California, the orange painted townline tells you that you can enter, but you can’t leave. You park in Main Street behind a very familiar looking yellow bug.
While thinking through options for accommodation, you do a 15 minute word war.
- If you write less than 400 words, then there’s no choice but to get comfortable in your car. That’s alright, some people only have a car.
- If you write between 400 and 600 words, then you get a room at Granny’s. Beware her wolf-like hearing when typing late at night.
- If you write more than 600 words, then congratulations you’re favorite character is at the window, offering you a bed in their spare room.
The next day, you start to investigate the town. There’s a new villain at work and you want to help the heroes defeat them. Unfortunately, heroics usually start with research so you head to the library to dig into the books. To get started, you take the Fifty Headed Hydrachallenge.
All that reading gave you a raging thirst, you decide to take a break and sprint to the nearest 1000.
It’s back to the library, to finish off the research - finish your current scene.
Finally success! The books reveal that the villain might be susceptible to a certain spell. However, it needs ingredients, so you head to Regina’s vault. On your way you do a quick 500 word sprint.
The vault is a complete mess. How does anybody find anything down here? You open a crate and shut it quickly seeing what looked like a two headed snake. This is going to take a while, so time for a 30 minute word war.
- If you are sleeping in your car, then you’ll find the ingredients if you write 800 words in the 30 minutes. If you don’t make it, then try again for 40 minutes. If you don’t make it again, then not to worry someone else finds the ingredients for you.
- If you are staying at Granny’s, then you’ll find the ingredients if you write 1000 words in the 30 minutes. If you don’t make it, then try again for 40 minutes. If you don’t make it again, then not to worry someone else finds the ingredients for you.
- If you are in the spare room, then you’ll find the ingredients if you write 1200 words in the 30 minutes. If you don’t make it, then try again for 40 minutes. If you don’t make it again, then not to worry someone else finds the ingredients for you.
The spell is all ready to go but the others aren’t here yet to cast it. Quick, roll a dice and write that many x100 words.
Finally the spell is cast and the villain is apprehended. So why aren’t things getting back to normal? This means only one thing - the bad guy wasn’t working alone. The spell on the townline is still as strong as ever. It’s going to take some serious thinking. Write 3% of your current wordcount while everyone is trying to puzzle it out.
You didn’t get much sleep last night, too busy thinking about who the second villain could be. However, you did have an idea, what if the second villain is in the book? You ask Henry if you can borrow his book to check. He says you can, if you do the 1k1hr challenge (1000 words in 1 hour).
There are so many stories in this book and they are all so interesting! You look over your shoulder, but nobody is watching you, so you find your favorite characters story to read first. It won’t take long to read it and then you’ll get back to villain research. Do the three digit challenge.
You read the story of the villain you just defeated but there is no mention of any shadowy partners so it must be a new teamup! That means you have to go back to the beginning of the book, and read every single story. You decide to do a word sprint to keep your mind sharp when reading.
- If you are sleeping in your car write 500 words.
- If you are staying at Granny’s write 1000 words.
- If you are in the spare room write 1500 words.
The book doesn’t reveal anything interesting, so there’s nothing for it. You have to head over to Gold’s pawnshop and ask Rumplestiltskin what he knows. However, it’s not just magic that comes with a price, information isn’t free either. For payment write until you’ve hit an amount equal to half your daily goal.
Rumplestiltskin didn’t know who you were looking for, but he gave you a tracking spell to find where they are hiding. You start to head there now, it’s almost most time for the big confrontation and you are a little nervous.
- If you are sleeping in your car, write to the nearest 500 word milestone (500, 1000 etc.)
- If you are staying at Granny’s, write to the nearest 1000 word milestone (1000, 2000 etc.)
- If you are in the spare room, write to the nearest 2000 word milestone (2000, 4000 etc.)
The second villain is defeated and true loves kiss is about to break the curse on the townline. You know you have to leave before the townline gets cursed again. However, even though this town is kinda crazy, it feels like home and you are going to miss everyone. To drag out your last day, write the amount of your daily goal.
The Leaving Storybrooke sign fades into the distance. You pull out a coin and flip it.
- Heads, you turn around and start the crawl again.
- Tails, you return to your life and leave Storybrooke behind.
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