Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Clean your room word crawl

Here is a clean your room word crawl! 1 2 3 write!

Glad to see you've finally decided to get out of bed and clean your room. Write 100 words as you hop out of bed- and then proceed to make your bed.

Wow! Looking much better with those pillows off the floor. But there’s still trash everywhere. Count the number of pieces of trash as you throw them away, then multiply that number by 100 and write that many words.

Okay, nice. Your room is starting to look less like a pigsty, so that’s cool, but it also looks more like the backstage of a fashion show with all those clothes everywhere. Toss that dirty laundry into the washer, and then sit back down and write for the whole wash cycle.

Okay, now where are those plot notes? Buried under that mountain of old essays and homework, of course. Outline your next scene, and then organize all that junk in your work area. (If you’ve already outlined all your scenes, take the number of scenes you’ve already written and sprint for that many minutes.)

Now we’re looking spiffy. Oh- and your laundry’s washed! Pop that laundry into the dryer and then take a quick glance at the rest of your notes, just to make sure your plot won’t dry up… (If you have no notes, sprint to the next thousand.)

-Dance party until your laundry is done-

Wow, your laundry’s dry already? Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess. Fold your laundry, and then put it away.

You got a great idea as you were folding your laundry. I’m sure you can fit a sock monster into your novel somehow… Sprint to 500. Bonus prompt: A character tells a story about some wacky creature and claims it as true (example: getting attacked by a sock monster, which totally happened).

Oh no. You totally forgot where you put your calculator. How will you know how many words you have left today? Organize one item of furniture (dresser, bookshelf, nightstand, etc.) as you hunt down your calculator.

Nice! You tracked it down! But it seems those dust bunnies have also tracked you down- Sprint for ten minutes to outrun them.
If you write more than 250 words: you’ve found a vacuum! Go ahead and beat up those dust bunnies with it by vacuuming your room.
If you write less than 250 words: Oh no! They’ve got you! Sprint for five more minutes as you frantically search for a vacuum to suck those bunnies up and away.

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