Thursday, April 21, 2016

Youth group

I went to youth group last night, they talked about why we need God and how our life would be like without him and how he will always be with us. 
We need God for everything, for Joy if we didn't have God in our life we would have no joy no happiness, you might say to your self 'I have joy' or 'I have happiness' but if you don't have God in your life you might have happiness and joy but not in the way that God would want you to.
When people don't have God in their life they are depressed and they don't know why, if they have a friend that is a believer in Christ they're probably wondering 'Why do they have joy and I don't?' the best thing to do to those people is to love on them and them eventually they might ask you why you are so happy and that is when you tell them and teach them about God.  
You can see the difference between people who have Christ in their life and who doesn't. The people that don't look sad, they are trying to prove them self's to other people, we don't want to judge these people we want to be a light in their darkness we want to pray for them. 
Every one has sinned before every one have made mistakes everyone has had tough things going on in their life at some point but through that whole time God stuck with you he will never leave you no matter how many times you sin no matter what God will always have you in the palm of his hand he will never drop you on the floor and abandon you, someone will always love you.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A lot of times when people are arguing they keep trying to prove their point, they make up more excuses to grip on to the point that they want to prove that they can win something... we all have argued in our life (If you haven't there is something wrong with you)- either to your parents, siblings and friends.
When you fight with your parents, a lot of times they are trying to protect you not trying to hurt you.
When you fight with your siblings... Well if you have older siblings than a lot of times you are trying to prove that you can stand up to someone bigger than you. Then if you have younger siblings than you just want to show them that you are in charge that you are their boss... but its not true, you have to show them that you are in charge but also at the same time show them compassion. 
When you fight with a friend, you argue then walk away from each other and don't talk to one another for a week, and some times you come back together and say sorry and make up and your friends again, but there are some people that hold on to their anger and never apologize to one another you hold a grudge for so long that you believe that you hate them, one holds a grudge than the other a strong one, than that grudge grows stronger and stronger, both want to make up and say their sorry but both don't want to give in and admit that they are wrong. they both are waiting for the other one to apologize, and none say sorry until the other gives in but each one is waiting on the other, its like a scale if there are two weights that are the same weight the other one is waiting to have something more heavy so the other one will go up and say sorry but no one ever puts something more heavy on the scale. 
Some times we have to admit that we are wrong, even if it is hard because than a relation ship is broken because they each are waiting for the other to give in and say that they were wrong.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Okay so I need ideas for a blog post! that is mostly why I have not been posting because I have nothing to post about, also my life is crazy busy, but the times that I'm not busy I have nothing to post about.
So I would love it if you guys can give me CLEAN ideas of what I should post about! thanks to all who comment and for those who just read! :) 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Prayer Request

Okay so my friend Jo has scoliosis which is 25 degree angle to the right at the top and a 45 degree angle to the left at the bottom.
She will be getting surgery on Monday, which the doctors will put in two mettle polls into her back that will stay there forever and she will not be fully healed for a year, so she could use your prayers through out that whole time.
Love you girl and I will come visit you! :)