About two years ago she gave me a stuffed animal lamb... I was just thinking that it will just collect dust under my bed... but now I sleep with it because it is like having her close to me like she was still here with the family.
I remember one time she came over to my house when I was prob. five any ways she loved powder donuts and when she came over my mom dad Grandma and my siblings where down stairs and I was up stairs, and my Grandma left the powdered donuts on the counter and I got into them and ate almost the whole box.
When she left us... it was in her sleep she breathed in and out and she was gone, gone to see her husbind that died in a car crash about 34 years ago right now she is prob. dancing with all of the angles, with her child that died a long time ago, shes dancing with God but most importintly she is in no pain what so ever she is in heven dancing.
She was almost blind and now she can see, she could barley walk but now shes running, her legs are working she is talking to Jesus.
I'm so sorry Abby. She sounds like she was an amazing woman. If theres anything I can do just tell me.